CERN is since many years using a commercial Enterprise Asset Management called HxGN EAM (previously known as Infor EAM), which with its over 3 million individually traced equipment, 4 million registered interventions and close to 4000 internal users has become an important platform for asset and maintenance management throughout the whole organization. This platform is together with best practices, methodology, training and support provided as an internal service at CERN.
A fundamental strategy at CERN has been not to customize the EAM system, but only to perform standard and upgrade-supported system configurations to support our business processes and to match our specific needs. In addition to this, we have also enhanced and extended certain functionality by developing tools and add-ons outside the application using the standard APIs included in the HxGN EAM software.
Open Source
Over the years, we have seen that these extensions and tools developed on top of HxGN EAM, also could be very useful outside CERN. Following a large number of requests from other companies and organizations about the possibility to share this work, we have decided that the most suitable option was to publish these components under a GPL Open Source license.
This decision matches first of all very well CERN’s overall mission of accelerating innovation and transferring CERN technology and know-how to society, but it also allow us to share future efforts of developing and extending these tools even further.
Our ambition is to create an Open Source community of organizations with similar needs and a willingness to share the common results allowing us all to advance and improve. If you and your organization are interested in participating, please contact us!
The Open Source components published so far are;
- EAM WS Hub
The EAM Web Services Hub provides a set of simple and developer-friendly REST and SOAP web services as a layer on top of the standard APIs from HxGN EAM.
- EAM Light
EAM Light provides a toolkit for developers to quickly build light-weight user interfaces to interact with HxGN EAM and/or with other applications using the EAM WS Hub.
All CERN Open Source Components for HxGN EAM are published on GitHub under GPL v3 license.
If this license type is not suitable for your purposes, CERN is open to discuss possible dual licensing for specific use cases and applications. In such cases, please contact us!
These developments have been carried out as part of the Asset and Maintenance Management Service at CERN.
Software Architect and Technical Lead: Lukasz Pater
Open Source Development Team: Ricardo Almeida, Antoine Ansel, Pedro Amaro, Andrea Bolognesi, Kamil Krol, Lukasz Pater and Miguel Ventura
Asset & Maintenance Management Program Lead: David Widegren